How to Know Who the Best Charlotte Dog Walkers Are?

Dogs are amazing. Everyone who isn’t fond of them is missing a lot. They are the most loyal species to humans in the animal kingdom and are ready to do anything for their owners. Having one at home is the best thing you can do for yourself.

At the same time, they require some care. You can’t just live them alone for days. They need food and regular walks outside the home. Being a dog means having a different way of life than people. They have their own priorities. Walks are one of those priorities.

They need to stretch their legs and have a nice jog. This is a part of the routine that they must do every day. If you’re an owner of one of these cute pups, you know that this is something you must do.

A lot of people don’t have the option to provide this type of care. They have working obligations, they don’t have the time, or are too tired to do it after work. That’s why they hire walking services.

In this article, we’re going through some tips on how to find the best walking service in Charlotte. How to know who’s the best dog walker, and what you need to mind when choosing them. Keep up and learn more on this subject.

They have a dog walking license

All dog walkers must have a license to do their job. Getting one is not hard, but everyone who wants to do this professionally, must go through testing and prove they are good at it. They must know how to handle some situations, and how to help the pet if it is in trouble.

Dogs live in their own world and have a social relationship that is different than ours. The dog walkers must be aware of this and they need to respect their way of life. If you’re hiring anyone to do this job, you need to make sure they are licensed and underwent these tests. See more about how this license looks like in the UK here.

Ask them if they have one. If they don’t they might be inexperienced guys who are just trying to make a few bucks but are not skilled nor experienced for the job. Always go with those who are true professionals.

Experience goes with it

Of course, aside from the license, it’s wise to look for experience, too. Holding a license means nothing if the person you’re hiring never walked someone else’s dog in their life. Make sure they’ve been doing this for some time. You don’t want to be the first one that’s going to hire this person.

You want the best for your pet, so you better look on until you find someone who’s truly experienced. There are more of them in Charlotte, and there are surely more of them in your area. Look through the internet and find someone responsible for the dogs of your neighbors.

If you locate someone who already takes care of the neighbors, you can ask them to include your pet in the daily walk. This is going to be excellent for your loved one too. Hanging out with neighbors’ dogs, having friends, and enjoying themselves in the park will be the best time of the day for them.

Opt for a local person

As we mentioned, it’s best to find out if there’s someone in the area taking care of the neighbors’ dogs. Open the internet and check out the map. Find who the one walking these fellows is. Don’t look for someone from another neighborhood. They’ll charge you more, and they’ll do nothing better than these local guys.

On top of it, the local guys are always better at the job. They know what the best streets for walking are and where the shortest path to the park is. They can do different routines every day, and make the walk enjoyable.

Find who the best and most trusted is

Before making the final choice and hiring someone, you need to ask the dog keeping community about who they think the best is. Who they think you should be hiring. Of course, you’re not going to let them decide for you, but their experience can be highly valuable for you.

People who already had the chance to hire some of the dog walkers in Charlotte will know best if you should hire the same ones. If more people say you shouldn’t, then you probably shouldn’t. If more of them say they had a great experience with some dog walker, then they are probably right, and this person might be the best choice for you too.

You need to read some online reviews. The comments of people who had the chance to experience how it is working with these guys are highly valuable. Go through them. Read about the pros and cons of different walkers. Are they punctual, did they take care of the dog properly, and what they are best and worst in?

All of this is perfect information for you. No one wants to leave their dog in the hands of an incompetent person, and the reviews will tell you exactly that. They’ll tell you who is and who isn’t competent in taking your dog out for a walk.


Even though it seems like an easy job, choosing the best person to entrust your dog with is never easy. You must be sure that this person is going to be as professional as possible. They must take care of your pet as if it was their pet.

Luckily, we live in a technologically advanced era. We have the internet and every information is available for us. All you need to do is look. Learn more about dog keeping services on the link:

Go through the options you have. Check out what these people are and how good they’ve proven to be. Hire an experienced person that holds a license. Make sure they are located near and they know what they are doing.

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